Holotropic Breathwork® Intensive - Auckland

One Day Intensive in Auckland, Laingholm Community Hall.
Session starts with introduction talk on Sunday from 9am-10:30am and continues with intense breathwork day till 8pm, with break for hour lunch and dinner.
- 9-10:30am: Greetings, Introduction, Opening
- 11-2pm: First Holotropic Breathwork session
- 2-3pm: Lunch break
- 3-6pm: Second Holotropic Breathwork session
- 6-7pm: Dinner break
- 8pm-9pm: Closing circle
Holotropic Breathwork
was developed by Stanislav Grof M.D. and Christina Grof, two leading pioneers in the field of Transpersonal Psychology. The word “holotropic” (from the Greek words “holos”and “trepein”) can be described as the journey or movement toward wholeness.
Holotropic Breathwork sessions use accelerated breathing and a dynamic musical journey as a method of entering into a non-ordinary state of consciousness. A natural mobilizing process is then activated within the psyche which allows for the emergence of one’s own “inner healing intelligence” to guide the session. Facilitators offer support and energy-release bodywork as needed. One day workshops include two breathwork sessions in the role of breather and sitter, group sharing, mandala drawing and exploring methods of integration. Holotropic Breathwork is of value to anyone that is interested in self-exploration, self-healing and spiritual awareness.
Some of the benefits and results of Holotropic Breathwork are:
• powerful tool of self-exploration
• release of emotional and energetic blocks
• creative inspiration
• inner guidance and insights
• support during times of transition or grieving
• working with family of origin issues
• exploration of the emotional connection to physical ailments
• renewed spiritual connection
Facilitated by Jiri Hanus. Jiri works with Holotropic breathwork since 2008 and is certified as a Holotropic Breathwork facilitator by Grof Transpersonal Training (http://www.holotropic.com). His experiences in Holotropic Breathwork in Czech Republic has set him up on journey of discover of non-ordinary states of consciousness, and is very passioned about bringing this powerful practice to Aotearoa.
Apart from Holotropic breathwork,
Jiri is
- certified facilitator of Trance Dance Ritual
- facilitation sessions with Amazonian medicine Kambo
- trained facilitator of OSHO meditations
Contribution: $220
To secure your space send email to jirihan@gmail.com and payment to:
Account: 01-0297-0417877-46 (account name: Jiri Hanus) Reference: Your name + HBW + 17/3
- Cushion, blanket
- Food for lunch and dinner
- Comfortable cloths
- Water bottle
- Blindfold
Looking forward to meet you soon. For any questions please send us an email. Arohanui,
Jiri & Veronika